The Animation Department of “Avaye Sadra Media” has, over the years, launched renowned big productions, solidifying its position as a leader in Iran’s animation industry.
Alongside producing high-quality national works, this department has designed and executed numerous commercial-advertising projects for major Iranian and international brands, utilizing a variety of animation techniques. Services include character and mascot design, as well as creating promotional brand dolls.
According to Forbes, advertising videos are 1,200 times more likely to be viewed than written ads, with animations being 30% more popular than other types of videos. The flexibility of animation in creating diverse worlds makes it significantly more impactful among younger generations.
The remarkable sales of cinematic animations in Iran have demonstrated that Iran’s advertising market recognizes the effectiveness of animation as a powerful tool.
From 2010 to 2023, the production of advertising animations has grown by over 200% in global markets. Animation services, such as character and mascot design, have become one of the most popular advertising tools among leading brands worldwide. The use of mascots for major global events, including sports competitions and artistic festivals, highlights the significance of this advertising medium. Since its inception, “Avaye Sadra Media” has proudly been at the forefront of development and innovation in Iran’s advertising industry. We continue to strive to enhance our advertising capabilities across environmental, digital, and television platforms, offering unique and market-defining solutions that deliver a fresh and distinct voice in the Iranian advertising market.
The Animation Department of “Avaye Sadra Media” has, over the years, launched renowned big productions, solidifying its position as a leader in Iran’s animation industry.
Alongside producing high-quality national works, this department has designed and executed numerous commercial-advertising projects for major Iranian and international brands, utilizing a variety of animation techniques. Services include character and mascot design, as well as creating promotional brand dolls.
According to Forbes, advertising videos are 1,200 times more likely to be viewed than written ads, with animations being 30% more popular than other types of videos. The flexibility of animation in creating diverse worlds makes it significantly more impactful among younger generations.
The remarkable sales of cinematic animations in Iran have demonstrated that Iran’s advertising market recognizes the effectiveness of animation as a powerful tool.
From 2010 to 2023, the production of advertising animations has grown by over 200% in global markets. Animation services, such as character and mascot design, have become one of the most popular advertising tools among leading brands worldwide. The use of mascots for major global events, including sports competitions and artistic festivals, highlights the significance of this advertising medium. Since its inception, “Avaye Sadra Media” has proudly been at the forefront of development and innovation in Iran’s advertising industry. We continue to strive to enhance our advertising capabilities across environmental, digital, and television platforms, offering unique and market-defining solutions that deliver a fresh and distinct voice in the Iranian advertising market.
The Animation Department of “Avaye Sadra Media” has, over the years, launched renowned big productions, solidifying its position as a leader in Iran’s animation industry.
Alongside producing high-quality national works, this department has designed and executed numerous commercial-advertising projects for major Iranian and international brands, utilizing a variety of animation techniques. Services include character and mascot design, as well as creating promotional brand dolls.
According to Forbes, advertising videos are 1,200 times more likely to be viewed than written ads, with animations being 30% more popular than other types of videos. The flexibility of animation in creating diverse worlds makes it significantly more impactful among younger generations.
The remarkable sales of cinematic animations in Iran have demonstrated that Iran’s advertising market recognizes the effectiveness of animation as a powerful tool.
From 2010 to 2023, the production of advertising animations has grown by over 200% in global markets. Animation services, such as character and mascot design, have become one of the most popular advertising tools among leading brands worldwide. The use of mascots for major global events, including sports competitions and artistic festivals, highlights the significance of this advertising medium. Since its inception, “Avaye Sadra Media” has proudly been at the forefront of development and innovation in Iran’s advertising industry. We continue to strive to enhance our advertising capabilities across environmental, digital, and television platforms, offering unique and market-defining solutions that deliver a fresh and distinct voice in the Iranian advertising market.